There are five months
to go before the world travels to Hyderabad India for the 11th
Conference of parties to the Convention. It has been a busy process since the
10th meeting in Japan. There were more activities undertaken in the
last two years with the funding of Japan who was the host of the 10th
meeting, and other donors. The decisions from COP10 put the Secretariat and the
parties on the toes to ensure all the decisions were already done. It is
remarkable to note that so far regional and sub-regional workshops were
organized to try and strengthen capacity for Parties on the Aichi Targets and
even more support parties to develop, review and finalize the National
Strategic Action Plans NBSAPs.
Where were Indigenous
Peoples and local Communities? The process allowed to include only two
participants to any of those planed workshops. This was well appreciated by the
International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity, IIFB. It was however important
to notice that this was not the same all through, some regions were not very
welcoming for Indigenous Peoples and Local communities and were either given
very little opportunity to contribute or not at all. It was not also very clear
in some regions if the Indigenous contribution was ever taken on board. This is
clear in that the last two weeks on discussions in SABSTTA and now currently on
WGRI 4 the documents presented to the Working Group seemed to have been
allergic in using Indigenous Peoples and local communities. Where that
reference was used was very minimal. The discussions and recommendations
presented seem to focus more on Parties. It is for this reason that Indigenous
Peoples and Local communities have still to struggle for visibility. It is also important to note that at the
National level Parties do not include
indigenous and local Communities in the process of NBSAPs at all.
It is for this reason that
IIFB expresses its strong concern about the lack of mainstreaming of
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices and customary sustainable use
in NBSAPs, as contained in Target 18, a target relevant for all Parties of the
CBD. As well as the lack of mention of gender issues despite the fact of the
existence of the Gender Plan of Action of the CBD.
IIFB has recognized this as
a weakness in the implementation of the 2010 biodiversity targets, and WGRI4
must underline that this weakness should not persist in the implementation of
the Strategic Plan 2011-2020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, thus
undermining contributions to the MDGs and human well-being.
On the Biodiversity Finance Mechanisms Indigenous Peoples and local Communities, are is still worried that parties and donors are not contributing to the
Voluntary Fund that allows participation of Indigenous Peoples and local
Communities in the process of the Convention. A good example in the past two
weeks here in Montreal only six Indigenous participants have been supported to
attend. In other meetings and workshops organized by the Secretariat, the
struggle continuous, there too. In a
recent workshop held in Quito – Equator, three Indigenous Peoples Members of
IIFB attended a meeting on financial mechanisms for biodiversity. They made a 5 minutes presentation on
Financial Mechanisms and Safeguards with a focus on the following points:
The concept of Indigenous
The cultural significance
of the Mother Earth and her rights (Ecuadorian and Bolivian Constitutions)
The reference to the 3
different financial mechanisms
relating to Indigenous Peoples should be consistent with the UNDRIP, including requirements for
PFIC for all finance decisions and investments that may affect Indigenous
Peoples’ lands, territories and natural resources
biodiversity safeguards for REDD+ finance should make direct reference to
ecosystem approach, Akwe:Kon Voluntary Guidelines and community
recommendations they came up with:
of Indigenous Peoples’ self-determination and Permanent Sovereignty over
Natural Resources and ensure equitable benefit-sharing with Indigenous Peoples
when using or selling their natural resources
Indigenous Peoples shall not be relocated
without their free, prior and informed consent. A policy that forbids the
forcible relocation of Indigenous Peoples
for sacred sites, protection for Indigenous Peoples’ land tenure systems and
natural resources, and protections for indigenous peoples in voluntary
REDD+ project shall alter the land tenure system of Indigenous Peoples nor
shall it regulate the customary use of natural resources by Indigenous Peoples
on their lands and territories that they may or may not own, without the
Indigenous Peoples’ free, prior and informed consent
and enhance economic, social, spiritual and political well-being , holistic
well being of men and Mother Earth
and enhance gender equality and women’s empowerment and guarantee their full
and effective of women participation in the whole CBD process
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